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Featured Renegade Mods

Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) Author: joe kelley
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) screen shot No vehicles, there is 1 neutral beacon in each base, THEY ARE THE PT'S (in canyon they are hidden behind the crate pile)
C&C Mountain Author: Magius del Cotto
C&C Mountain  screen shot Welcome to what is likely one of the most sniper friendly maps out to date. With just the standard infantry unit, you have access to a plethora of sniping spots, some that even allow you to snipe the entire enemy base, and when you purchase a
helicoptor, you can reach places that you may not have even dreamed of.
Viperxp23's Flying Toilet Mod Author: Viperxp23
Viperxp23's Flying Toilet Mod screen shot Yet another Nod airstrip drop but I guess this is a bit different - A flying toilet! you have to see it to believe it.

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