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Featured Renegade Mods

Nod Assalt Author: Razorblade001
Nod Assalt screen shot First mod by this author, there are some texture problems. Care this is a .pkg file these can cause problems with other mods so it is always best to remove from your data folder when you are not playing this mod.
Tiberian Evolution X12 Author: CRaZy_iKe
Tiberian Evolution X12 screen shot A new map has been included in this version called Tiberium Temple. Check out the readme file for all credits, whats new in this version and any known bugs.
Chameleon AI Gun Author: Dark_Force9999
Chameleon AI Gun screen shot "Chameleon AI Guns - After vehicle/harvester exit from cargo, A Chameleon will appear on the airstrip and has 3 AI guns... Dangerous but helpful finding stealth or notify and danger earby! Enjoy!"

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