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Featured Renegade Mods

[TSB] Instagib 1.0b Author: (not specified)
[TSB] Instagib 1.0b screen shot everybody spawns with a railgun with unlimited ammo - 1 hit is a kill
C&C Metropolis Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Metropolis screen shot Description: A level based on the Metro\MetroTS level created a while back. It resembles it, but the level is larger and has a lot more detail. There's a mid-sized thunderstorm overhead, around 2:30 AM. Don't fall into the Tiberium waste ditches or you'll slowly die.
Secret Valley Author: Major1mat
Secret Valley screen shot This is a deathmatch and if you want, a roleplay map. Plenty of things to destroy. his map even has its own duel arena if you need to settle the score with someone.

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