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Featured Renegade Mods

Humm-vee Warz Author: (not specified)
Humm-vee Warz screen shot Normal maps, only vehicles available are, buggies for Nod and Humm-vees for GDI, these include: heavy missile, obelisk, ion, repair and tiberium.
Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod screen shot Nod Airstrip Drop: This mod drops 5 recon bikes that will drive arround you so you can use them when you vehicle gets destroyed in battle.
A Helping Hand Author: bisen11
A Helping Hand screen shot Airstip drop off - It gives nod a black hand sniper with a chain gun and gives nod lots of armour powerups and almost all the guns.

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