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Featured Renegade Mods

BuzzMod 6.2  Author: (not specified)
BuzzMod 6.2  screen shot The usual Buzz stuff, like secret vehicles and special abilities and characters, but with more new updated stuff.
Killerrk2's mods Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's mods screen shot 9 mods (Numbers 2-10) in this file all are used to drop vehicles and weapons even infantry e.g. 3 recon bikes, stealth flamer and recon bike and many more.
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) Author: joe kelley
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) screen shot No vehicles, there is 1 neutral beacon in each base, THEY ARE THE PT'S (in canyon they are hidden behind the crate pile)

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