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Featured Renegade Mods

Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod screen shot Nod Airstrip Drop: This mod drops 5 recon bikes that will drive arround you so you can use them when you vehicle gets destroyed in battle.
C&C High Noon 2 Author: Titan1X77
C&C High Noon 2 screen shot Completley Re-vamped version of the original

* Original Description *
Setting: Noon Time Description: Small intense map with base defenses, Gdi Recon's, Nod's Stealth recons, each team has 1 extra credit per second with a their silo. Vehicle SPECS: GDI Recon has a faster reload time and includes more armor then Nod's stealth bike which is faster then GDI's bike. MRL's have a 360 degree Turret, Mobile ART's Turret Swings twice as fast. Stealth car's and Pickups are in the EXTRAS.
Infantry Warz Mod Author: Doomhound
Infantry Warz Mod screen shot Want something totally different then this is it, a brightly coloured map with no bases to worry about. This is purely an infantry battle with spawned weapons.

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