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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Metropolis Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Metropolis screen shot Description: A level based on the Metro\MetroTS level created a while back. It resembles it, but the level is larger and has a lot more detail. There's a mid-sized thunderstorm overhead, around 2:30 AM. Don't fall into the Tiberium waste ditches or you'll slowly die.
C&C Terrace Author: Titan1X77
C&C Terrace screen shot Setting: Tiberian Sun style map

Description: Tiberian sun roads,homes,cliffs,vehicle tunnels and water.Base defenses,new humtow with machine gun(gdi),Recon bike(nod),and enhanced flying vehicles.
Frag Arena Author: lcfcfan
Frag Arena screen shot

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