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Featured Renegade Mods

T Gardens rev1 Author: Garth8422
T Gardens rev1 screen shot its the revised multiplayer version of my map
C&C_T_Gardens.mix. hopefully less lag, increased FPS.
custom base defenses, blue tiberium. sniperspots. tank
battle areas.
C&C High Altitude Author: Havoc298374
C&C High Altitude screen shot This non flying map is set in the mountains and neither base has a guard tower. There are several rope bridges allowing players to walk on top of the mountains and into the enemy base or use the snipering points. Also there are tunnels leading into the bases one of which is large enough for vehicles. Nice map, version 2 is due for release soon.
Omaha Final Author: (not specified)
Omaha Final screen shot If you are GDI you start on the beach and try to take over the NOD base (no buildings). If you are NOD then you are defending the base. Weapons are spawned and you have bots to help you. Its worth taking a look.

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