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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Improved Maps Author: (not specified)
C&C Improved Maps screen shot Its not much all it is is added emp cannons
C&C Ruins Author: Triforce
C&C Ruins screen shot C&C_Ruins is a multi player map set on the cost of an African
jungle. A pre-history Nod civilization once lived in the area,
and the ruins of their temples and shrines litter the map.
Also a unique feature of this map is that both base have Con
Yards with full interiors and working PCT's and MCT's. There
are many places on this map to snipe... and BE sniped, so
always take caution when moving out in the open.
CTF Forts Author: SomeRhino
CTF Forts screen shot This is a port of the Quake 3 level "Deuling Keeps," rebuilt from the ground up.

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