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Featured Renegade Mods

Critical Times Author: (not specified)
Critical Times screen shot This is just a little modification that has disabled all damagable body areas except head, so only head shots will do any damage, good for snipers.


I have been advised that when this mod is downloaded to your renegade data file and you then try to log on to WOL you will not be able to host, log on to games or see them (on WOL). You are best to upload it after logging on. Thank you - Renegadezone.

Above Author: (not specified)
Above screen shot Both bases are underground, no guard tower or obelisk and access is via large tunnels. Don't get caught out by the huge pit as there is no way out alive.
Hitman021 Crossover Author: (not specified)
Hitman021 Crossover screen shot Flying map with good snipering points on the mountain tops, both teams have bots. To reach each base you have to go accross a big huge pit by bridge.

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