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Featured Renegade Mods

Tiberium Test Complex Author: o0Commander0o
Tiberium Test Complex screen shot Gdi has attacked a Nod Tiberium Testing Complex, very poorly i might add, setting off alarms....and having released tons of Tiberium Gas by shooting Barrels Containing the chemical. The gas chambers for prisoners have been turned on so stay clear of them,as well as the toxic tiberium mist. Some tiberium weapons have been left around so look for them.
Urban Rush Author: GBAhriman
Urban Rush screen shot Wide Open map based on Urban Rush from RA2/YR. Complete with Accessable Buildings, Light Posts, Utility Poles w/cables, Roads, Bridges, and Trees. With some very nice Sniper positions in 7 of the buildings.
C&C River Canyon Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C River Canyon screen shot Description: Aircraftkiller - "I've been working on this for about a month... Remembered the Canyon Chase video from Tiberian Dawn, so I recreated it in Renegade with a theme inspired by Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere".

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