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Featured Renegade Mods

Hitman's Beta 1 WW3 Author: (not specified)
Hitman's Beta 1 WW3 screen shot Complex map with additional features i.e. gun emplacements and aircraft.
Stunt Park Ultimate V2 Author: Punyworm
Stunt Park Ultimate V2 screen shot Test your skills on Stunt Park Ultimate with two maps available, one you can use a NOD buggy the other a Recon bike to try different stunts. Beware these vehicles are speedy and not easy to control.
Uber Tank Author: (not specified)
Uber Tank screen shot This mod allows the player to acess a modded flame tank that has four, yes four, weapons. You must use the extras code to access this unit.
Press 2 to switch to the 3rd and 4th weapons when you're in the tank

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