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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Titanic Author: Titan1X77
C&C Titanic screen shot Setting: NOD ship
Description: a converted single player level to MP INF only.REF and HON/Bar Mct's top defend/attack.Purchase keycards at PT's.Money rooms,private PT's,armor & health upgrades in seperate locked rooms.
Omaha Final Author: (not specified)
Omaha Final screen shot If you are GDI you start on the beach and try to take over the NOD base (no buildings). If you are NOD then you are defending the base. Weapons are spawned and you have bots to help you. Its worth taking a look.
1st assault mod beta 2.0 Author: hojo62
1st assault mod beta 2.0 screen shot Description: A "sequel" to the first mod (1st assault mod). This one drops off every nod ground unit on the airstrip at the begining of the game.

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