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Featured Renegade Mods

Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's Recon Bike Mod screen shot Nod Airstrip Drop: This mod drops 5 recon bikes that will drive arround you so you can use them when you vehicle gets destroyed in battle.
Urban Rush Author: GBAhriman
Urban Rush screen shot Wide Open map based on Urban Rush from RA2/YR. Complete with Accessable Buildings, Light Posts, Utility Poles w/cables, Roads, Bridges, and Trees. With some very nice Sniper positions in 7 of the buildings.
Nod Stunt Park Author: Antex01
Nod Stunt Park screen shot This is a really fun map with lots of ramps and fast vehicles. This is a whole lot different than Deadly Stunt Park. Theres PT's for both teams, lots of vehicles and stuff to do. Great map for taking screen shots of cool stuff.

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