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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Bunkers Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Bunkers screen shot Description: Another missing Westwood Studios map for Renegade. Numerous bunkers adorn the cliff tops. The bases are easily stormed without a good defense. GDI has a single controllable Guard Tower behind the Advanced Guard Tower and Nod has a single controllable Turret in front of the Obelisk of Light.
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) Author: joe kelley
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) screen shot No vehicles, there is 1 neutral beacon in each base, THEY ARE THE PT'S (in canyon they are hidden behind the crate pile)
Tiberian Evolution X8 Author: CRaZy_iKe
Tiberian Evolution  X8 screen shot New in this version:
-fixed up paratroop beacons; soldiers now dropped off by chinooks and stronger soldiers are dropped off
-completely redid warzone and desert storm
-added commcenter, temple of nod, and conyards to warzone
-added music from Tiberium Dawn to all maps
-fixed various balance issues
-new repair bays
-made all infantry rockets homing
-added new map: trenches
-grenadier now has time delayed bouncy grenades
-and more...

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