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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Country Meadows V1.4 Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Country Meadows V1.4 screen shot This is a very large map based on a wide open field. With the odd hill here and there. Rekon bike is enabled and so are air vehicles. There is also the odd gun emplacement around.
Critical Times Author: (not specified)
Critical Times screen shot This is just a little modification that has disabled all damagable body areas except head, so only head shots will do any damage, good for snipers.


I have been advised that when this mod is downloaded to your renegade data file and you then try to log on to WOL you will not be able to host, log on to games or see them (on WOL). You are best to upload it after logging on. Thank you - Renegadezone.

C&C Haunted House Author: Justin Pereira
C&C Haunted House screen shot Haunted house revolves around an until-now secret underground tiberium research facility that was masked to look like a private mansion. A large cache of weapons and research equipment including tiberium containment devices are rumoured to be inside. One GDI special forces group has been lost in the attempted entry and inspection of the facility. A second group of due to arrive soon. There are many player starts and weapon spawners in the facility, and radios can be used to call in reinforcements (Purchase Terminals). Health and armor powerups, as well as the fabled Tiberios cereal are also available.

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