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Featured Renegade Mods

GDI Base Author: GidionTheDead
GDI Base screen shot This is a C&C Renegade Deathmatch map, based upon the original GDI base from the game's tutorial. There are 4 different starting locations, lots of weapons and even a single Vehicle spawner.
Both teams are balanced with GDI having access to a good sniping spot, whereas the Brotherhood of Nod has a starting point next to the vehicle (in the War Factory).
Tiberian Evolution X4 Author: CRaZy_iKe
Tiberian Evolution X4 screen shot Note: This was formerly the DaeMoNic MoD but the name has changed. Fixes & Improvements: New units (mostly in the extras menu), air roof fixed, new infantry untis in the extras menu, working helipads & reapair pads, new secondary fire for flame tank, new map (Trenches), added Eqvaliser's Sniper City Maps, can now exit A10, and Nod Bomber, added new rmaps
C&C High Altitude Author: Havoc298374
C&C High Altitude screen shot This non flying map is set in the mountains and neither base has a guard tower. There are several rope bridges allowing players to walk on top of the mountains and into the enemy base or use the snipering points. Also there are tunnels leading into the bases one of which is large enough for vehicles. Nice map, version 2 is due for release soon.

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