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Featured Renegade Mods

Hangman's Canyon Author: Beach Head (Ingrownlip)
Hangman's Canyon screen shot Sandy canyon terrain with plenty of tunnels and bridges to explore. Ideal for snipers to sit out in the sun.
Carnage V 2.0 Author: Skint
Carnage V 2.0 screen shot This includes Round 1 (carnage V 1.0) and Round 2: In round 2 you move into the Carnage Cityscape arena. Basically a mock up of a city block designed with team deathmatch play in mind. Once again, money is earned through kills, you can upgrade your characters at the vending machines(red ones for Nod, yellow ones for GDI.) Unit prices are the same as in round 1. Roof access by way of two tower-like stairwells on opposite ends of the map. You can also try climbing the crates and using the ladders although there is much more risk involved.
SUSR All weapons in single player Author: Stackout
SUSR All weapons in single player screen shot Description:
On the 1st mission there is a stealth tank dropped off and it will start shooting its own People hurry up and get in the tank you will only grab a few of the weapons in the tank you need to get out and grab the rest of them.

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