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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Toy Box Author: Skullremover
C&C Toy Box screen shot A different map where you play as toy soldiers in a toy box! ABC blocks and other giant toys are included in the terrain.
Critical Times Author: (not specified)
Critical Times screen shot This is just a little modification that has disabled all damagable body areas except head, so only head shots will do any damage, good for snipers.


I have been advised that when this mod is downloaded to your renegade data file and you then try to log on to WOL you will not be able to host, log on to games or see them (on WOL). You are best to upload it after logging on. Thank you - Renegadezone.

Carnage V 2.0 Author: Skint
Carnage V 2.0 screen shot This includes Round 1 (carnage V 1.0) and Round 2: In round 2 you move into the Carnage Cityscape arena. Basically a mock up of a city block designed with team deathmatch play in mind. Once again, money is earned through kills, you can upgrade your characters at the vending machines(red ones for Nod, yellow ones for GDI.) Unit prices are the same as in round 1. Roof access by way of two tower-like stairwells on opposite ends of the map. You can also try climbing the crates and using the ladders although there is much more risk involved.

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