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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Battlecreek Author: (not specified)
C&C Battlecreek screen shot Non-flying map with no base defences. Each base is split into two accross a river.
Killerrk2's Dropmod Special Number 2 Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's Dropmod Special Number 2 screen shot Here's a list of the soldiers this mod drops on the airstrip:
laserrifle 2, laserchaingun 2, voltautorifle 2, Ramjet 2 & Chaingun 2
Elite Objects V2 Author: sgtnikki
Elite Objects V2 screen shot UPDATED VERSION: This mod contains new characters to buy new tanks,and new purchase spots for mod "gdi wepons factory" such as ssm,recon,nod truck,nun,priest,lab tech and much more

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