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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C The Final Conflict Author: Captkurt1
C&C The Final Conflict screen shot Theatre: Snipe Mountain
Description: This is a fast paced Sniper map or full blown war, with an unlimited array of places to hide and at least 17 sky bridges and plenty of tunnels, some with ladders to snipe
from. It even has some underground buildings. made by WW.
There are lots of goodies lying around to pick up in the and around the mountains, Health, and armor. Hope you enjoy it.
It's really a lot of places to go and hide, snipe, shoot, and run a muk from too. there's even AI in this map. each base has two. one Sniper, and one that can change on each re-birth.

This map has been amended and also changed from a pkg to a mix file.
C&C Prison Camp DM Author: Titan1X77
C&C Prison Camp DM screen shot Setting: NOD Prison Camp
Description: A converted single player level to MP DM.A locking cell where if you die you have a chance(1/18)of being locked up,until you blow yourself up. A gdi and nod beacon ped.Tons of weapon spawns and 2 sniper towers.2 buggys and 2 humm-vees.2 Locked security doors holding armor and health upgrades.
T Gardens rev1 Author: Garth8422
T Gardens rev1 screen shot its the revised multiplayer version of my map
C&C_T_Gardens.mix. hopefully less lag, increased FPS.
custom base defenses, blue tiberium. sniperspots. tank
battle areas.

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