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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Bunkers Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Bunkers screen shot Description: Another missing Westwood Studios map for Renegade. Numerous bunkers adorn the cliff tops. The bases are easily stormed without a good defense. GDI has a single controllable Guard Tower behind the Advanced Guard Tower and Nod has a single controllable Turret in front of the Obelisk of Light.
BuzzMod 6.2  Author: (not specified)
BuzzMod 6.2  screen shot The usual Buzz stuff, like secret vehicles and special abilities and characters, but with more new updated stuff.
Nod Reinforcements Mod Author: stealth
Nod Reinforcements Mod screen shot This mod drops some vehicles on the Nod AirStrip the Flame Tank, Buggy and Recon Bike.

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